“Get ready for some up lifting reading and more! You will receive a fabulous free Reading Record and bookmark, as well as collect weekly stickers to keep track of all the strange reading they do. Explore this year’s SRC theme through fun free programs, contests and displays all summer. Kids who complete their Reading Record will be eligible to receive a special Summer Reading Club medal!
Registration for Summer Reading Club begins mid-June. Kids who joins SRC will be given a colourful reading record and bookmark. Visit the library regularly and collect stickers for your reading record. At the end of the summer you may receive a medal for your efforts. Enjoy cool programs and contests throughout July and August. There are lots of great prizes to be won!
Regular reading during the summer helps kids to maintain or even improve their reading and literacy skills. Studies show that voluntary reading is the number one factor in establishing good reading habits. Summer Reading Club makes reading fun and our expert staff can help kids find just the right book or magazine from among a wide variety of library materials.” — FVRL