New Library Staff

Image result for nice to meet you

I am so excited to say a big “Hello!” and “Nice to meet you!” to the MEI students, families and staff!

My name is Mrs. Katie Veldhoen, and I am the new Library Technician at MEI Elementary.  I am thrilled to be here and feeling so blessed to be able to join the amazing staff at MEI.

I can’t wait to meet everyone and share my love of books and all things library with you. September is almost here! See you soon!


Smore you read the smore you know

Happy First Day of School!

We hope you had a great summer of reading!

This week the Grade 4 and 5 students will come to the Library to sign out textbooks and get a textbook orientation!

Next week, Grades 1-5 will come to the Library for their first Library Orientation and be able to sign out one book!

Do you have a picture of you reading a book over summer?  Submit your photo to be featured on our blog!

See you soon!